“All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.”
- Sir Edmund Burke (1729 - 1797)
Perhaps now, more than ever, these words of Edmund Burke sound prophetic. Today, you and I have the responsibility to honor all those who have gone before us in the cause of freedom by becoming a participant in our God-given government.
Citizenship Sunday is a call to the stewardship of America. The Lord has provided us in the United States with so many luxuries, but none as powerful and effective as the opportunity to let our voices be heard. As a Christian and a concerned citizen, won’t you please take a stand with me to make a difference?
I am asking you to take just a few minutes this Sunday to make your way to the “Citizenship Sunday” tables and register to vote. The tables are located at both the east and west courtyard entrances. You can also visit the Watchman Ministry tables to learn of many other ways that you can help affect the critical issues that jeopardize families, marriages, schools, churches, and our community.
Please respond by getting involved and taking a stand for your biblical rights and freedoms by being an active part of the greatest democracy the world has ever known.
Let’s not nullify the toil, courage, and spilled blood of all those who have made this day possible for you and me.
Register to vote and let your voice be heard!
Pastor Jack Hibbs
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