On September 11th, 2001
Our nation was attacked by men who held to a devilish ideology that was and is dedicated to the destruction of our western civilization and culture. While America is facing the fight of her life, many today wonder if we’re actually at war.
This September 11th, 2008
Americans from coast to coast will pause once again to remember and to honor the fallen of that terrible day. Locally, we can offer our respects by uniting in remembrance of all those whom we’ve vowed to never forget. Together we can begin to defend our freedoms and the privileges that we enjoy today as Americans.
Join us Thursday, September 11th at 7PM
Former U.S. Congressman Bob McEwen, one of our nation’s most distinguished and respected representatives will share a dynamic and compelling message for all those who love this country and its God-given freedoms. This timely message is vital to our nation’s future and the survival of the American family.
You owe it to yourself, to your children, to your community and nation to attend this very special Southern California event.
There will be no children's ministry provided.
Arrive Early
Doors open at 6:00PM
Seating is limited
Admission is free
There will be no Wednesday night service
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